Sara Im

Let Me Inspire Your Group
If you are planning an event, either virtual or in person, I love to learn more about it. I would love to explore the opportunity to work with you to help by adding my speaking service to your event.
Contact me with all details of your event. I can provide a quoted fee and we can get you scheduled.
Most Popular Topics
Go from surviving to thriving to grow your business and life
When you face an overwhelming adversity, you may experience anxiety, fear and doubt. As a Speaker, Sara shares how tenacity, perseverance, and faith are required values to conquer fear and reach success. Sara speaks to help listeners re-focus, build confidence and develop self-leadership at corporate events, conferences, churches, schools, podcasts, and more.
Road to Resilience
You and your team will be inspired, motivated, boost your confidence and elevate your courage to take meaningful actions. You will gather amazing tools to reinforce your perseverance and optimize
your resilience to cope better with life and live a fulfilling life harmoniously.
Finding Peace & Resilience
You and your team will be encouraged and inspired to discover ways to restore your resources, rejuvenate your soul and be at peace, positive and productive.
You will discover the source of strength, faith, hope and health.
Reframe your thoughts to overcome challenges to live your best life
There is power in having a winning perspective. You can turn any painful circumstance around simply by changing your perspective and mindset. Sara will share her inspiring strategy to empower you and your team.
Find Hope in the Midst of Adversity!
You and your team will be inspired as Sara shares her true story how she find hope and overcame her
​adversity in life in the mass genocide in Cambodia ruled by regime in the 1970’s that claimed 2 Million lives.
Personal Leadership to Succeed
You will learn important keys of personal leadership that lead you to reach your dream. We cannot lead others unless we can lead ourselves. Leadership is 80% mental and 20% skills.
Sara will share how she used her personal leadership to overcome her adversity and escape.
Cultivate a winning mindset to reach your ultimate potential
Sara shares her survival story not to have you feel sorry for her. Rather, she helps you to renew your hope that no matter what you are facing in your life and your business, if you have a clear purpose, persevere, and have positive perspective, you too can overcome any obstacle standing in your way.